Being a Blogging Photographer

Blogging and photography work together because a photograph captures a moment. Writing gives it meaning...

Being a Blogging Photographer
Sitting in the sun - Borough Market, London

I was thinking about how photography and writing work together.

This is what I came up with...

Look through a lens. The world changes.

More vibrant. More honest. You see things others don’t. That’s the job. The job of a blogging photographer.

Not just taking pictures. Not just writing words.


Because a camera tells the truth. No posing. No pretension. Just life, as it is.

A market in London. A quiet street at dawn. A face, half-lit in a doorway.

Small moments, missed by most. But a picture alone isn’t enough. Words bring it closer.

A photograph captures a moment. Writing gives it meaning. The frame shows you what happened. The words tell you why it matters.

A man sitting alone on a bench. Just another street scene? Or someone waiting for a bus that will never come?

A shop window, empty and abandoned. Or the last remains of a family business, lost to time?

The image pulls you in. The words keep you there. One without the other is incomplete. A photograph is a fact. Writing makes it a story.

Not staged. Not forced. Just seen.

It’s a lonely craft. Waiting for the light. Finding the right angle.

But in that solitude, something happens.

You connect.
With the world. With yourself.
That’s why you do it.

Not for likes. Not for approval. For the love of the craft.

For the joy of seeing differently.