Finding Your Voice as a Blogger

Finding your blogging voice is not about writing it's about being you...

Finding Your Voice as a Blogger
Blackpool beach

Years ago, when I started writing, I wanted to sound professional.

I'd use big words and complex sentences.I thought that's what good writers did. But nobody read what I wrote. Because nobody could understand what I was trying to say.

Then I saw what advertising legend, Dave Ogilvy said about writing.

He said write the way you talk.


Like you're having a conversation with one person. That changed everything.

Because when you try to sound smart, you end up sounding like everyone else who's trying to sound smart.

But when you write like you talk, you sound like you. And there's only one you. That's what finding your voice means.

It's not about creating a voice. It's about stopping yourself from hiding your voice. Look at any great blogger.

Seth Godin doesn't write like James Clear.
James Clear doesn't write like Maria Popova.
Maria Popova doesn't write like Paul Graham.

They each write like themselves. That's why people read them. Because they're authentic.


The trick isn't learning how to write. The trick is unlearning how you think you should write.

Strip away the fancy words. The complex sentences. The attempts to sound impressive. Until all that's left is you.

That's when people will start reading. Because they're not reading your words. They're reading you. And there's nothing more interesting than a real person speaking their truth.

Simple as that.