Blogging Like It's 1994
Here’s how the Chambers English dictionary defines a blog…
A document containing personal observations, often in the form of a journal, that is published to the World Wide Web
I bloody love that.
And it’s what I’m doing here. My posts are personal observations. You might agree with me. Or, you might think I’m talking bollocks.
Either is fine. Discourse and debate are fine human traits.
But my main point here is, blogs (or weblogs to give them their full name) first got popular in the early Nineties. And people wrote them using personal observations.
But these days, many blogs out there fall into what’s known as: “Content Marketing’. Which is a way for businesses to big themselves up — without appearing to do so.
I do get how valuable that is for a business. But, it’s a shame. Because the original idea of blogging is still a great idea.
So, while I was pondering about how to write this blog, I got all serious about it. And tried hard to write carefully constructed posts. That were going to keep my readers in mind.
I worked on each post to ensure there was a takeaway for people that happened by.
Then, I deleted the lot.
Because I’ve done that before. And it’s hard work. I wanted this one to be fun to write. And more like a stream of consciousness. More like a blog of the early days, in other words.
And, I want my photos to speak for themselves.
So, I make no apologies for blogging like it’s 1994. It’s good fun, you should try it.