The Power of Simplicity
I’d struggle to photograph a better example of a simple human moment.
The sea rolled in. Gentle, like it didn’t want to disturb the beach pebbles. And the sun warmed the air now, no need for coats.
As I walked along the seafront the dog walkers let their pooches run ahead. Enjoying the puddles. And the sea cliffs glowed in the afternoon sun.
As I walked, I watched. Observed. Looking for the next photo. And I saw this lady. Having a quiet moment to herself.
She struck me straight away as a great photo. But I was careful not to disturb her. Because her current state was the photo. The calm serenity. The whimsical gaze out to sea.
The caption for the photo popped into my head. “Contemplating…” Yes, everything about her said that. The arm on her knee. The steady gaze. The boots under her chair.
I stopped breathing while I took her photo. Because it was a great human moment. Instinct. Pure instinct told me it was.
And as I walked on, leaving her to ponder, it stuck me. Street photography is tricky. Or it can be. But the simple scenes are powerful. No doubt about that. This photo proves that.
It reminded me that simplicity in photography is a powerful thing. I walked on. Happy. Content that I had one photo at least. That would stand the test of time.