Andy Hawthorne

Intro to Street Photography

Kicking out...

Kicking out...

You've got your camera, comfortable shoes, and a knack for capturing moments.

You're set for street photography. It's thrilling and unpredictable. At first, it might seem daunting. But with practice and tips, you'll shoot like a pro. Let's get going...

1. Pack Light

Stay quick and agile. Avoid heavy bags with all your gear. Take one camera and one lens. A 35mm or 50mm lens is ideal. They're compact, fast, and perfect for street photography.

2. Blend In

Capture genuine moments by not drawing attention. Avoid standing out with a big camera. Dress plain, keep your camera handy, and move easy. Less attention means more authentic photos.

3. Scout Locations

Discover your city’s vibe. Start in busy places like markets or parks. These spots are great for everyday moments. But don’t shy away from quiet streets. They often hold the best stories.

4. Simplify Settings

Avoid missing shots by fiddling with settings. Use Aperture Priority mode. Pick a mid-range aperture, like f/5.6 or f/8. Let the camera adjust. Focus on your surroundings. Later, you can explore manual settings.

5. Focus on People

Street photography is about people, not buildings. Look for interactions and emotions. Capture moments that tell a story. This is what makes it special.

6. Be Patient

Street photography is unpredictable. You might wait hours for a good shot. That's okay. Sometimes, you just need to be ready.

7. Respect Privacy

Consider the ethics of photographing strangers. It's often legal, but not always right. Be respectful. If someone looks uncomfortable, move on. If you capture a great shot, offer to share it.

8. Embrace Imperfection

Street photography values authenticity over perfection. Blurry photos or awkward framing? That's fine. These imperfections add charm.

9. Edit Lightly

Keep editing minimal. Aim for authenticity. Adjust contrast, crop, or convert to black-and-white. Avoid heavy edits.

10. Start Shooting

The best way to improve? Shoot more. Don't wait for the perfect setup. With practice, you'll find your style and capture spontaneous moments.

So, grab your camera. Explore the streets.
